Electronics set

Electronics set
supported skills: cognition and fine motor skills
- Electronics set
- 1 person
Group size
- 2 - 4 children
- The children can work together with a supervisor and the instructions of the electrical construction kit to create and test various small circuits.
- The circuits are assembled on a breadboard and with their help, among other things, a small propeller is able to fly or a speaker plays a tune.
- Depending on how experienced the children are, they can design their own circuits under supervision.
Contens of an Electronics set
Fest der kleinen Forscher

Primary School at Elbdamm in Magdeburg

Primary School at Westring in Magdeburg

Primary School Bertolt Brecht in Magdeburg

Primary School in Ottersleben

Nursery School Abenteuerland in Magdeburg
Nursery School Ohrespatzen in Wolmirstedt
In the video, the propeller does not fly, because this turns around the wrong way. The solution to the problem is to reverse the motor, that is, to swap plus and minus.
The children of the Protestant elementary school Magdeburg have done everything right here and the propeller takes off.
The children of the Ottersleben primary school built a circuit with loudspeakers and tested it.
The pupils of the primary school Ottersleben try to make a propeller fly.