Abgeschlossene Projekte
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Betreiben eines Stromnetzes, Verfahren für intelligente Generierung von Restoration Plans – Smart Restoration and Reconfiguration
Patent: 2017EP2779347 Invention Report - Verfahren für intelligente Generierung von Restoration Plans – Smart Restoration and Reconfiguration
Patent: Invention Report -
Schutzsystem zur Wahrung der Integrität eines elektrischen Energieversorgungsnetzes SIGUARD WAP
Patent: 2014P12477EP -
CBR (Case-based Reasoning)-enhanced Simulation for Preventive and Reactive WAMPAC (Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control)
Patent: 2013P03308EP -
Apparatus and Method for Model based Engineering and Execution of Power System Restoration Plans
Patent: 2012P27802EP -
Power System Control and Restauration unter Verwendung einer Public-Key-Infrastruktur in Baum Topologie Patent: Pending
Logic-Enhanced Wide-Area Protection and Control for Energy Transmission and Distribution Systems
Patent: 2012P27802EP -
Distributed Wide-Area Monitoring for Power Systems
Patent: Invention Report -
Model-based method for monitoring a power supply network, and system for carrying out said method
Patent: EP 2052451B1, 2010 -
Wide Area Monitoring I
Patent: 2006P17361EP -
Wide Area Monitoring II
Patent: Invention Report -
Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Fehlersignals
Patent: DE19858929C2, 2000 -
Impedanzmessung bei durch Wandler-sättigung gestörten Stromsignalen
Patent: DE19858929, 1999 -
Method and device for detecting and correcting a saturated current profile of a current transformer
Patent: EP98109248,1998 -
Elimination of arc voltages
Patent: DE4230649,1996 -
Protection triggering process
Patent: EP0660973,1996